

Free Stream Avengers: Infinity War Sci-Fi genre imdb id tt4154756 Streaming



Free Stream Avengers: Infinity War Sci-Fi genre imdb id tt4154756 Streaming

Writed by - Stan Lee, Steve Gan; ; Chris Hemsworth; Joe Russo; 2hour 29 m; release Date - 2018






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Honestly I don't even know where to begin.

  • There was almost no character development. They threw some Gamora stuff in there randomly so that you'd feel bad for Thanos, but that's just cheap crap that doesn't actually count as character development.

  • There were no stakes and no reason to care about any of the characters, or even care who won. Is it wrong that I don't care that a bunch of the heroes just died at the end? I literally don't give a crap cuz this movie gives me no reason to.

  • Thanos is completely non compelling. He's not interesting in any way, shape or form. He has no character, you don't know anything about him, have no reason to be scared of him or feel for him. li>

  • Everything happened separately, and was unnecessarily complicated i.e. Thor and the foundry. li>

  • This movie pays no respect to any of it's characters, especially long running and popular characters. Loki and Gamora are just killed straight up, no send off whatsoever. li>

  • Thanos has spent years planning this one thing for what reason? He just came and got all the stones and killed half the universe in one day, so why'd he wait so long?

  • This was a completely emotionless movie overrun with side quests of no importance or interest.

  • There's literally nothing right about this movie, I literally can't even begin to go over everything it failed on.

This is literally the biggest disappointment in the entire MCU. I wish this was a gigantic late April fools joke, because this movie is a joke, and isn't worthy to be the culmination of 10 years of mostly fantastic movies.

Free stream avengers infinity war online reddit. Free Stream Avengers: Infinity warcraft. Free stream avengers infinity war. Free Stream Avengers: Infinity war crimes. Free stream avengers: infinity warriors. Free stream avengers 3a infinity war kwabs lyrics. Free stream avengers: infinity warren. Free Stream Avengers: Infinity warfare. One of the best avengers movie from the triology. Don't miss this one. Ok I know rating a movie like this 2 star is going to seem like hate, but let me explain.
1) I feel like tony stark is an arrogant douchebag and I don't like that he's stronger that other "super"heroes
2) I'm not a fan of the over used plot device of "I must kill my loved one to save the universe. It's just fake tension most of the time and because most of the main characters are wearing main character armor, they either don't get killed or revived anyway
3) the ending didn't wrap up any loose ends at all and isn't really dramatic anyway
4) I miss when Spider-Man was cool and not some lame dork iron man bossed around
5) the hulk just didn't want to participate in the movie for unknown reasons and he's also one of my favorites
6) I didn't like that the "good" guys just gave the bad guy the rock he wanted. twice
7) where was the "orange" black panther character as he was my favorite one ?
8) how did that one good guy with the rock in his head, vision, survive when his neurosurgery was incomplete ?
9) why did we keep saving that one girl, to just throw her off a cliff? And she was also one of my favorites
10) the dialogue was weak in the movie as a whole and most of the "comedic" moments weren't funny outside of Star-Lord, who was great by the way
11) the dialogue was weird between between Gamora and thanos. Why did she never understand how he felt about her ? That made the endingish scene weird because she didn't understand she was going to get thrown off the cliff until he grabbed her.

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